Hypertension: Some Facts and Management

Hypertension is a medical term for high blood pressure. Hypertension was a problem faced by elderly people a few years ago. In young people, it was very rare. Nowadays hypertension has become very common. In many cases, it is a silent problem. It proves dangerous if it goes unnoticed. So, every person should check it regularly after the age of 35. If someone has a family history, then they should be cautious about it.

Studies show about 33% urban and 25% rural Indians are hypertensive. Of these, 42% urban and 25% rural Indians are aware of their hypertensive status. Only 38% of urban and 25% of rural Indians are being treated for hypertension. One-fifth of urban and One-tenth of rural Indian hypertensive population have their BP under control.

There are many factors which play an essential role in hypertension. Chief of them is Food and salt intake, stress, weight, genetic factors and emotional factors.

Salt is essential to the body, but it should be consumed in a limit. The sodium in salt helps transmit nerve impulses and contract muscle fibres. Sodium works with potassium to balance fluid levels in the body. Electrolytes balance is critical in the body. The body can throw excess sodium out itself.

Sometimes it causes water retention in the body. This increases the amount of fluid flowing through blood vessels, which can raise blood pressure. Processed and readymade outside foods contain a high level of salt. The leading culprits are snacks, salted food, bakery food, canned juices, packed and canned food, fast foods, and variety of sauces. We get salt in natural food sources like fruits, vegetables and milk also. So, we should look towards those sources.

Many people don't even know they have hypertension because many times high blood pressure has no symptoms. If high cholesterol and high blood sugar accompany blood pressure than it can be more dangerous and that can damage your arteries and kidneys. High blood pressure is not difficult to detect and treat. 

A small apparatus named Sphygmomanometer named is used to measure blood pressure. There are many factors and changes in the body with growing age which causes high blood pressure. If you are above 50, you need extra care to keep yourself healthy. Fortunately, it is not difficult to keep it under control. There are many ways and techniques which you can do yourself to keep this silent killer under control.

The following 5 things will help you to cut down salt and control your Blood pressure.

  1. Cut down on salt; lemon is a good substitute.

  2. Avoid preserved food and preservatives.

  3. Eat whole grain food and not refined one.

  4. Avoid too much spicy food.

  5. Use cumin, lemon, black pepper, cinnamon, coriander and meant leaves.

Yoga practices which can help you to keep blood pressure under control.

  1. Concentrating on breathing – In this practice, if you cannot concentrate, then start counting your inhalation and exhalation. So, your mind will stop thinking.

  2. Deep and effortless breathing is beneficial.

  3. Lie down on the back with a gap between hands and legs and relax completely with normal breathing.

  4. Anuloma Viloma

  5. Lie down on the back, relax. Start to keep legs together and hands straight on the head side on the floor. Stretch hands and legs simultaneously opposite to each other. Hold as per capacity and comfort, release and relax.

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