Arthritis, Joint Pain and Stiffness
In arthritis person often has a constant pain. Pain may be localized to the joint affected such as the joints of the finger toes, elbows and knees. Initially, symptoms may occur only by exercise, but over time may become persistent. Other symptoms may include joint swelling and a decreased range of motion. Forceful movements against stiff and painful joints cause additional damage, fatigue and strain to muscles.
This program is very effective in these types of problems. People with knee pain experience difficulty in walking, climbing stairs and folding the leg. If the knee pain persists, it may interfere in the person’s daily routine. Sometimes the knee pain becomes unbearable and people often take pain killers which cause many side-effects. It is always advisable to treat knee pain in the early stage.
This program is useful for-
- Those who have joint pain.
- Those who have arthritis and wish to keep walking.
- Those who cannot fold the knees sit on the floor, exercise or lose weight due to joint pain or restriction of movement.
- Those who face trouble walking or bending (morning stiffness) every morning after waking up.