Rajshree Yoga: Weight & Health Management Center

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5 Effective Ways to Prevent Weight Problems (World Obesity Day Special)

Prevent Obesity Now and Avoid the Consequences Later.

Today is World Obesity Day, and this year’s focus is on investment, research, early intervention, treatment and most of all: Prevention of obesity. That is why, on this day, we bring to you five effective ways to prevent Weight Problems.

1.      Right Exercise

The benefits that exercise brings with it cannot be understated. It helps the metabolism, the muscles and bones of the body, and most importantly: The heart. The thing, though, about exercise is that the right kind of exercise varies from person to person. It depends on their age, current weight, and physical capabilities. You should be careful that you are not harming other parts of your body trying to lose weight, for instance, if you are obese and jogging may not be the right kind of exercise for you because it could damage your knee joints, in such a case yoga may be the right choice. So, always do research before choosing your exercise plan. One thing to remember is: If some form of exercise makes you feel exhausted or causes any type of pain, then you should probably try to look at other options.

2.      A Balanced Diet

These days so much do people focus on the number of calories that content of food items (like micro-nutrients) has been eclipsed. The right approach is to keep a balanced diet with low calorie and focus on achieving your daily micro and macro nutrient goals. Deficiencies in nutrients can result in a lot of health problems, which may increase your risk of weight problems. Yes, regulating calories are important, but the priority should always be proper nourishment.

3.      Sugar consumption

Excess consumption of Sugar is possibly the single biggest cause of issues like ‘Metabolic Syndrome’, which is a precursor to diabetes which greatly increases your risk of obesity and heart problems. Our bodies were not built for consumption of such excess amounts of sugar. Natural sugar, like the sugar present in bananas and pomegranates is not a problem. The real problem is added sugar. According to the American Heart Association (AMA), the maximum sugar intake for those who are overweight or obese is one teaspoon of sugar per two weeks or once per week at most. Some ways to avoid sugar in your diet are stopping the consumption of fruit juices, soft drinks, candies and sweets, baked goods, low-fat or diet foods or canned fruits.

4.      Outside Food

This is the biggest culprit of all. It may seem hard and overwhelming to suddenly stop outside food but you must accept one thing sooner or later: Most of the people who sell food for money do not care about your health, they care about cost-cutting, and money. They may use cheaper alternatives of ingredients over more expensive and healthy ones, and they also add additives that may be detrimental for health. The best thing to do is avoid all fast, and roadside foods. This includes Pani-Puri, McDonalds, Dominos and others.

5.      Meditation

Meditation does not burn calories and such, so you might be wondering why it is present on this list, but meditation does much more than that. Meditation is good for the heart, it calms you down and helps you make better decisions in daily life including picking healthy alternatives instead of unhealthy ones and not skipping exercise. Meditating everyday will help you change your mindset towards items like sugar and outside foods too.

So, these were five ways that you can start utilizing now to improve your health and prevent weight gain; and if you are already overweight or obese, these things may help you prevent further increase, or even reduce weight!

And always remember:

Treat Obesity Now and Avoid the Consequences Later.

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By Rajshree Vora